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At the intersection of leadership, movement, creativity, and healing, I come to somatics after a long career as a manager-entrepreneur, brand innovator, competitive athlete, lifelong student of the moving body, and recently self-discovered multi-media artist.


My certifications and training influence the toolkit of somatic strategies I use in my work: Alexander Technique, Somatic Experiencing®, Ohashi Method®, Zen meditation, Embodied Anatomy, Drawing and Painting, and the field of Depth Psychology and Creativity.

Depth Psychology
and Creativity

M.A. Depth Psychology and Creativity with Emphasis in the Arts and Humanities. Pacifica Graduate Institute - Santa Barbara, CA | 2021-2024.

Program chairs at the time of enrollment: Mary Antonia Wood and Susan Rowland.

Researched the relationship between somatic practice, creativity, and healing. 

Somatic Experiencing®

Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) certificate. 

SE Trauma Institute - Berkeley, CA | 2020-2023. 

Course instructors: Ariel Giarretto, Joshua Sylvae, and Raja Selvam. 

Trained in alternative therapy aimed at trauma resolution through perceived

body sensations. 

Alexander Technique

M. AmSAT, National Certification, American Society for the Alexander Technique.

Riverside Initiative for the Alexander Technique (RIAT) - New York, NY | 2013-2017.

Completed a 1600-hour teacher training program lead by Nanette Walsh and associate director Ariel Carson.

Studio Arts

Completed foundation drawing and figure drawing classes with Mahara Sinclaire.

Pasadena City College - Pasadena, CA | 2018-2020. 

Additional independent studies on figure drawing and painting with Hayley Quentin in Los Angeles and Vittorio Bustaffa in Italy.

Oriental Healing Arts            and Meditation

Practitioner and Instructor Certification for the Ohashi Method®.

The Ohashi Institute - New York, NY | 1998-2003. 

Completed training in the Japanese tradition of shiatsu and the healing arts

with Wataru Ohashi. Began practicing Zen meditation. 

Leadership and Management

Business Economics and Management Laurea, Major in Marketing.

Bocconi University - Milan, Italy | 1989-1993.

Integrated degree of BS in Business Administration and an MBA with

a concentration in Marketing. 

My story

I embraced the healing arts over 25 years ago when I had a transformative experience with my breathing. While working with meridian lines, acupressure points, and intuitive touch at the Ohashi Institute in New York, I realized that breath and movement flow are measures of health and creativity. Although I came to the United States to work in the business and design world, I always felt alive and present in hands-on work and human connectedness. Moving between the driven life of a corporate executive and my deeper calling to help creators of all kinds feel better in their bodies is a dance I learned well. I gratefully entered the field of somatic practice full-time in 2013 after recovering from a debilitating running-induced back injury through the Alexander Technique. This transformative experience changed me and I decided to certify as a teacher through the Riverside Initiative of the Alexander Technique in New York City. My dedication to helping creative professionals and artists to feel prolific at making and safe in their bodies further led me to pursue the Somatic Experiencing® training certificate, studio arts such as drawing and painting, Zen meditation, and, at the outset of a pandemic, a master’s degree in Depth Psychology and Creativity with emphasis in the Arts and Humanities from Pacifica Graduate Institute in California.


In the field of somatic practice and creativity, I have assisted Alexander Technique classes and taught private tutorials for BFA and MFA theater students at Cal Arts California Institute of the Arts and USC School of Dramatic Arts. I have also been an educator at the LA LGBT Center Senior Services and, before my full-time transition from the corporate world to somatic work, I was the president of Moleskine America in New York City, which is the design company known as the maker of the legendary notebooks. The fundamental brand cornerstones of the notebooks have always been imagination and movement. I always valued ​​the making of products essential for great traditions, such as writing and painting for example, and the mysterious nature of creativity. My corporate experience and knowledge of the body made me design well-being and leadership initiatives for the corporate world called Body Economics. These projects explore new ways of consciously working together in times of disembodiment and social change




I have also been a devoted marathon runner and long-distance triathlete for over 20 years. I was part of the running coaching team of New York Road Runners and Achilles International for athletes with disabilities. I have completed several athletic events including AIDS/LifeCycle 2019 cycling from San Francisco to Los Angeles, full-distance Ironman Canada 2015, and 14 marathons including Boston, New York, Berlin, and Chicago. In essence, I have lived in the driven and results-focused world of corporate America and competitive sports as well as the embodied, sensing, healing world of the arts and somatic practices.


Continuing education and interests

My somatic, anatomy, and embodiment continuing education includes:

Intergenerational trauma workshops and classes with Peter A. Levine and Euphrasia Nyaki 

Alexander Technique private studies with Ed and Linda Avak

Breathing, performance, and Somatic Experiencing ongoing training with Betsy Polatin 

Embodied anatomy and embryology courses with Amy Matthews and Adele Nickel

Live human dissection with Tom Myers and Todd Garcia, and Gil Hedley

Athletic training and coaching as a competitive triathlete and marathon runner

Zen meditation 

In the fields of depth psychology, the arts, and humanities, I have studied with Thomas Moore, Elliott Hundley, Natalie Goldberg, and Pádraig Ó Tuama. 

I am currently part of Gage Academy of Art drawing and painting.

I meditate and exercise daily.


Marco Sante Beghin MA, MS/MBA, M. AmSAT, SEP

Somatic Practice for Health and Creativity in Seattle, WA

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